Islamic Civilization Discourse Institute
Ominous silence reigns in the square. The door opens and a child, blissfully unaware, bounces out in the street, and the mother shows up, disconcerted. The noise of the sniper's bullet breaks the silence. Having witnessed the scene, Chamran drags the kid and the mother into the house... They are sitting on the blood-covered ground, with her blood gushing from her chest. Christian Phalanges have no mercy on anyone in this modern-day Crusade. A few miles off the border, the Communists opposing Phalanges target the chest of an innocent father... On another side are the Israelis who decapitate the village men before the eyes of their wives and children; they then let them go around to spread the news of the atrocity, hoping to dissuade the settlers of Southern Lebanon from staying there... Lebanon has become the center of a conspiracy by the forces, from near and far. Followers of Saddam, or the ones associated with Libya’s Gaddafi, pro-Soviet Leftists, American and French propagandists, Jordanian mercenaries, Egyptians, and so on; but the only victim is the Deprived. In the meantime, Sadr descends on Lebanon. His ingenuity lies in discovering the aims of conspiracies and ulterior motives: "sowing the seeds of enmity between Palestine's Resistance and other groups and wiping Palestine from the face of the Earth without Israel's overt involvement"... Along with Chamran, they form “The Deprived Movement” and "Amal Organization", take the trouble and live through the distresses and slanders, and prevent Palestine's Resistance from obliteration with their unwavering dedication. From now onward, Lebanon's history juxtaposes honor with treason and perspicacity with ignorance.Ominous silence reigns in the square. The door opens and a child, blissfully unaware, bounces out in the street, and the mother shows up, disconcerted. The noise of the sniper's bullet breaks the silence. Having witnessed the scene, Chamran drags the kid and the mother into the house... They are sitting on the blood-covered ground, with her blood gushing from her chest. Christian Phalanges have no mercy on anyone in this modern-day Crusade. A few miles off the border, the Communists opposing Phalanges target the chest of an innocent father... On another side are the Israelis who decapitate the village men before the eyes of their wives and children; they then let them go around to spread the news of the atrocity, hoping to dissuade the settlers of Southern Lebanon from staying there... Lebanon has become the center of a conspiracy by the forces, from near and far. Followers of Saddam, or the ones associated with Libya’s Gaddafi, pro-Soviet Leftists, American and French propagandists, Jordanian mercenaries, Egyptians, and so on; but the only victim is the Deprived. In the meantime, Sadr descends on Lebanon. His ingenuity lies in discovering the aims of conspiracies and ulterior motives: "sowing the seeds of enmity between Palestine's Resistance and other groups and wiping Palestine from the face of the Earth without Israel's overt involvement"... Along with Chamran, they form “The Deprived Movement” and "Amal Organization", take the trouble and live through the distresses and slanders, and prevent Palestine's Resistance from obliteration with their unwavering dedication. From now onward, Lebanon's history juxtaposes honor with treason and perspicacity with ignorance.The book "All for Resistance" is an unparalleled work bearing Dr. Mustafa Chamran's observations and experiences. Chamran, an Iranian scholar, in a bid to save Palestine, leaves the US and heads for Lebanon. By means of this work, he enkindles a burning torch for the followers of Resistance whereby they figure out how the Deprived can weather the storms despite waves of deviations, conspiracies, and atrocities. While confronting with the enemies, they can also further their social and political rights by virtue of preserving their integrity within the borders and by avoiding internecine conflicts or dependence on any external forces, whether Eastern or Western. Chamran seeks to bring to light the treacherous role of the Leftists, atrocities of the West-affiliated Phalanges, Israel’s conspiracies, youth’s naivety, and ignorance of a number of heads of the Resistance. He unveils the mystery of Musa Sadr’s kidnapping and the roots of today’s unfolding crises in the Middle East.