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Chamran and Sunflowers

Chamran is a physicist, he holds a Ph.D. in Plasma Physics from UC Berkeley. He is also a painter and a poet whose mystical invocations are famous in Iran. Once in the middle of the war, amidst the Iraqis mortars, he stopped his car to smell the flowers by the road. A man who is famous for his delicate feelings but commands the guerrilla warfare. Although he was born in Iran, he spent most of his life in the U.S or Lebanon. After his graduation, he realized he could not sit and do his job at the laboratories not to think about the murders, violations, and injustice while the major powers of the world oppressed the deprived people. He moved to Lebanon and with Imam Musa Sadr established some charity schools in the south of Lebanon. For the orphans in Tyre and Sidon in Lebanon, he was a father and had to fight with his armed enemies, occupiers, and Marxist traitors. After the Islamic Revolution, Chamran went back to Iran. He was selected as the Revolution's Defense Minister and a member of the parliament. Then, he needed to fight the left-wing separatist groups and after that the massive army of Saddam. He was finally martyred by a mortar shell. Chamran’s life has been narrated from his youth to his death in a short collection of memoirs, "Chamran and sunflowers"; stories about his family, wife, friends, and followers. The collection of these short memoirs, which narrates the most beautiful and heroic moments of Chamran's life, depicts a different man well for the readers.

Additional Info

  • Size: Pocket book - 4.25" X 6.87"
  • Genre: Memoir, War Analysis
  • Pages: 100